Out of School, Extracurricular and Community Programs

Whole-child health isn’t just physical; it's mental, too. And the health of kids and teens is directly affected by the environments where they spend their time—including out of school time (OST) programs. Check out our Strong4Life resources (printables, guides, videos and more) to help OST programs teach, model and support the development of healthy habits in kids and teens. Many of the downloadable PDFs linked below are provided in both English (EN) and Spanish (ES).

Daily movement is vital to the overall wellness of kids and teens—it helps them learn, grow and thrive. Being active can improve their physical health, social and emotional wellness, and academic performance. Try these resources to help kids and teens get moving. 

Kids and teens can best fuel their bodies and minds by enjoying a variety of healthy foods and choosing water over sugary drinks. Explore these resources to implement healthy feeding and nutrition practices in OST programs. 

We all need help learning how to identify, express and cope with our feelings. OST programs are great places for kids and teens to talk openly about their feelings, and regularly practice healthy coping skills. Check out these resources to promote emotional wellness in kids and teens.

It’s important for kids and teens to practice healthy habits wherever they live, learn and play. Share these resources with parents and caregivers to reinforce healthy habits at home. 

OST staff face all kinds of challenges, and it can be difficult to prioritize self-care. That’s why it’s critical for staff to be intentional and carve out “me” time each day, if only for a few minutes. Take a look at these resources for self-care ideas and strategies for staff.