Resilience and Emotional Wellness Resources for ECE

All kids are born with the capacity to become resilient, but they need help along the way. It’s never too early or late to start building resilience (the ability to handle life’s ups and downs), but the earlier the better! Share these resilience and emotional wellness resources with parents, teachers and other caregivers.

From tips for building resilience by age, to getting a child ready for pre-K or kindergarten, these free, downloadable resources are helpful both at home and in your center.

As children grow and develop, they need help learning how to identify, express and manage their emotions. Learn about the different ways you can support the emotional wellness of the children you care for.

When children don’t have the words to express what they need, or how they feel, they show us through their behavior. Watch these videos about resilience and emotional wellness, managing big emotions and setting limits to learn more.

Access more resources and training opportunities from Strong4Life wellness experts, including licensed therapists, exercise physiologists, dietitians and more.


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