Quick Tips for Eating Smarter and Hydrating

Fueling your body with smart foods and drinks will help keep your brain focused, body energized and immune system strong. Follow these quick tips to make smart choices simple.

Fill up your favorite water bottle (or treat yourself to a new one) as a reminder to hydrate throughout the day—especially if drinking fountains are off-limits.

  • Fruit with cheese or a boiled egg
  • Veggies, pita bread or pretzels with hummus
  • Yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit
  • Small sandwich or wrap
  • Crunchy granola bar
  • Pumpkin or sunflower seeds or fruit
  • Nuts, trail mix or nut bars (if allowed and there are no allergies in the classroom)

We could all use a break from planning, packing and cleaning out lunch containers from time to time. If you haven’t eaten in the cafeteria in a while, you may be pleasantly surprised. School meals meet nutrition criteria from national health guidelines and are often less expensive than eating out or packing a lunch.

When it comes to kids’ eating habits, watching a role model make smart food and drink choices goes a lot further than lecturing about nutrition. Support their physical and emotion wellness by using non-food incentives. Rewarding with candy isn’t a good long-term motivator and can lead to emotional eating.

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