Raising Resilience in Preschoolers

In this article:
Preparing your child for school
Starting school for the first time can be both exciting and overwhelming for kids (and their grown-ups) as they adjust to a new schedule, place and friends. While we can’t prepare our kids for everything, we can help set them up for success.
Teaching your child to express and manage their feelings
When we teach kids the words to label their feelings, we’re helping them express what they feel and need. In addition to teaching the words for feelings, kids also need help learning to manage how they feel. One way you can help your child learn to manage their feelings is by teaching them healthy coping skills.
Setting limits and encouraging independence
Some preschoolers may be showing more signs of independence, while others may need more encouragement to do things on their own. Either way, all kids need help understanding boundaries and expectations. While it may be tempting to jump in and handle things for them, remember that kids learn by doing. But they need guidance along the way.
Resilience Resources
Use these resources to work on raising resilience with the children in your life.