Wendy Palmer, MS, RDN, LD, CHES
Registered dietitian

Meet Wendy
Wendy Palmer is a registered dietitian and certified health education specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the field of community and child wellness. As a manager, Wendy has been instrumental in the development and implementation of many of Strong4Life’s initiatives aiming to impact child wellness in Georgia.
Wendy earned a Bachelor of Science from Ithaca College in community health education and went on to receive a Master of Science in health care policy and management. She completed a dietetic internship at State University of New York at Stony Brook.
As a mom to two active boys, Wendy’s biggest parenting challenge is finding the balance to fit in work, school, sports, family, friends and wellness. Being a good role model at home and in the community is important to Wendy, and instilling a balance of physical and mental wellness is a daily task.
When not working, Wendy enjoys spending time with family and friends, cooking delicious and healthy food, and being active with her kids and dogs.